Visitkort software, Foto visitkort - Design & køb online

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artsprojekt, business, card, modern, pinup, illustration, Visitkort med brugerdefineret grafisk design
Om kunstnerenartofjamesadams:

James Adams is a goth fantasy pinup illustrator whose art revolves around a celebration of the female form. His drawings come to life with bite and snarl - an artist that creates it like he sees it, female empowerment outside the confinement of labels. "I was five years old. I remember flipping through one of my mother's woman's magazines and there was an illustration of a female in lingerie. I felt compelled to draw it. I've been hooked ever since. I draw every moment I can. I visualize the illustration before I even buy the illustration board for it. After going through reference material, I take a walk in the park or around the corner to gather my thoughts. I love the contrasting nature of ink drawings. I've always been attracted to noir. I grew up watching The Addams Family and The Munsters. To this day, those characters still play a huge influence on my art. When color is used right, it can create moods that are unforgettable. However, black and white moodsgain a stronger presence in my head."

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Efterlad et varigt indtryk med brugerdefinerede visitkort. Lav et visitkort ved at tilpasse et eksisterende design, eller lav dit eget. Du skal blot uploade dit logo eller grafik, tilføje tekst med vores gratis skrifttyper, og få dine kort trykt i fuld farve på bare 24 timer. Tilfredshed garanteret!

Er du rigtig kreativ, kan du lave et design fra bunden med dine egne ord, grafik eller firmalogo, og du vil få unikke visitkort, der afspejler din personlige stil. Der er millioner af visitkort til salg, så du kan tillade dig selv at være meget præcis i dine søgeord.

Intet minimumskøb, og en 100% tilfredshed garanti på alle visitkort software og Foto visitkort.

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Hvis du ønsker at bruge et avanceret grafisk design program til at lave dit design, skal du bare trykke på knappen foroven.

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